Recording Level settings

When the Controller's Rec button is on, these setting take effects. In the select documents to be recorded setting, choose the type of document you want to record to your hard disk. Later, if you want to do browsing from your disk, i.e. off-line browsing, you should choose every type of document. If you intend to do only searching at a later time, then choose theHTML documents only option.
every type of document
HTML documents, images, sounds, Java programs, and so on. All kinds of documents will be recorded.
HTML documents only
Only HTML documents will be recorded.

The update stored pages setting allows you to control how often copies of WWW pages stored on your hard disk will be replaced with fresh copies downloaded from the Internet, when matching pages are stored already during browsing.
every time
That stored copy will be replaced with the fresh copy from the Internet without taking care of its creation time.
No copy of that fresh page will be made.
over one day old
If the stored copy is over one day old, it will be replaced with the fresh copy.
over one week old
If the stored copy is over one week old, it will be replaced with the fresh copy.
over one month old
If the stored copy is over one month old, it will be replaced with the fresh copy.